Saturday 21 January 2012

Paul looks past South Carolina to caucus states

Surveys of South Carolina voters show former Massachusetts Governor  Mitt Romney  and former House Speaker  Newt Gingrich  battling for first place in the state's presidential primary election Saturday. But third place is up for grabs with Representative  Ron Paul  of Texas mounting a surprising run against former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum.

Tommy Adams and his friends came up from the neighboring state of Georgia for this political rally in Aiken, South Carolina, ahead of the first presidential primary in the southern United States.

But unlike many at this event sponsored by a conservative Republican group, Adams is not here because of Georgia native Newt Gingrich.

"I'm pretty much sold on Ron Paul," Adams said. "All of his policies and ideologies have stood the test of time and he's still preaching the same stuff. I really admire a guy like that to stand his ground.

Paul planned to largely skip Florida, which holds its primary Jan. 31.
Paul had a limited presence in South Carolina compared to weeks of heavy face-to-face campaigning in Iowa, where he placed third behind Rick Santorum and Mitt Romney, and in New Hampshire, where he came in second to Romney.
The Texas congressman participated in two nationally televised debates in South Carolina but hosted few campaign events. He even left the state for a full day Wednesday to fly back to Washington to cast a symbolic vote against raising the debt ceiling.
Paul's message found some traction in South Carolina, but his call to vastly cut military spending has its limits in a state home to many military bases and veterans. Still, his advisers believe Paul's loyal base of supporters could push him past  Rick Santorum  and into a solid third place finish behind  Mitt Romney  and  Newt Gingrich .

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