Thursday, 12 April 2012

Umbrella brand

An umbrella brand is an overarching brand used across multiple related products. Umbrella branding is also known as family branding. It contrasts with individual product branding, in which each product in a portfolio is given a unique brand name and identity.There are often economies of scope associated with umbrella branding since multiple products can be efficiently promoted with a single advertisement or campaign. Umbrella branding facilitates new product introductions by providing a familiar brand name, which can lead to trial purchase, product acceptance, or other advantages.Umbrella branding may impose on the brand owner a greater burden to maintain consistent quality. If the quality of one product in the brand family is compromised, it could impact on the reputation of all the others. For this reason umbrella branding is generally limited to product lines that consist of products of similar quality.

A good example is AMUL - Amul Butter, Amul Cheese, Amul Milk, Amul Icecream, Amul Chocolates etc

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