Wednesday 28 December 2011

Jobs suggestions from readers

Lowa Republican presidential candidate debate was very well done. Fox News people had good questions, Republican presidential candidates had good answers, and there was very little of the candidate nastiness that we had seen in earlier debates. The most successful candidates seemed to be Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney. Rick Santorum was nearly as good, and Rick Perry did better than he had been in the past.

What should be encouraging all of the Republican candidates is the lead a generic Republican has over President Barack Obama in the latest polls. The National Journal's December 15th Ron Brownstein piece—"Where Obama Has Slipped"—has even more encouraging news for the Republican candidates:

"Obama's approval rating is now 12 percentage points lower than his 2008 share of the vote among young adults (age 18-29); 11 points lower among African Americans; and 10 points among college-educated white women… Compared to his 2008 showing, he's tumbled 14 percentage points among independents, another group that provided him a narrow majority of its votes last time. [Among] upper middle-income families earning between $75,000 and $100,000 annually…. he's dropped from 51 percent of the vote with them to 44 percent approval."
The cause of the sinking numbers across so many demographic groups is, of course, the policies this administration has pushed for the last three years and the very negative impact they have had on our nation's economy. People are rightly scared by the programs Obama has put in place and worried that things will get even worse if these policies continue.

We essentially created our own jobs in the 1800s when we were somewhat independent in an agrarian society.

Along came industry in the 1900s and we got hired in urban areas. These jobs were at the mercy of corporate owners. Well, nothing has changed! Ninety-nine percent of our lives and our ability to eat and have a roof over our heads are still at the mercy of corporations or government who, even though they hire us, can fire us or lay us off at will.

Therefore, if we’re lucky to get hired, we’re at the mercy of the company store. Many of the firms we used to work for are hiring overseas, not here in the U.S. None of our local jobs or those overseas are created because all jobs can be disposed of, taken away from us or eliminated as a result of companies shutting down.

Those of us who see what’s coming (global catastrophes, climate change, the loss of ice in the Arctic and the Antarctic, huge increase in global populations, longer life of the elderly, shortages and overfishing, the end of cheap energy and the end of oil reserves) could band together and go back to an agrarian lifestyle, taking advantage of technologies such as solar heating and earth cooling.

We can’t control the vicissitudes of the stock market and the global collapse that we know intuitively is coming in a few short years, but we can educate our children and grandchildren to create their own jobs, so that they won’t be faced with the unimaginable crises coming and because you and I and our politicians are in denial with our heads in the sand.

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